Diary's Sisca

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Masjid Tiban / Masjid Mumbul Turen ~Fliying Mosque~

Tiban Mosque or Masjid Mumbul (flying mosque), is its famous name. A mosque is a boarding school complex located in Al Salafiyyah Sananrejo village, sub-district Turen Malang in East Java, Indonesia. The beauty and splendor of the mosque has been heard up everywhere. So there are a lot of visitors from various regions in Indonesia who came to this mosque. Although there is controversy and rumors of odor around the mosque, but did not reduce the sense of awe those who visit.

The mosque is often referred to as a mosque and the mosque Tiban 'mumbul' (flying), due to the assumption of the people around, the gossip that the mosque was suddenly there. Naturally, many people think so, because the location of this mosque is located in the center of the township residents and small alleys.

Located in an area of ​​five hectares, the boarding school was built in 1987. The boarding school it self is officially actually been there since 1978. Initially the building in the complex is only a small prayer room. However, now it's standing in the complex of buildings that have 10 floors. The construction of this mosque can not be said completed until now. But the interesting thing you need to know behind the construction of the mosque complex is about the lack of planning.

This is because since the construction of mosques, including the form of buildings and all the ornaments which they are an indication of the Kholiq Allah SWT, by istiqoroh prayer conducted by Father Kyai Ahmad at the mosque.

Funding is also carried by the pilgrims hut without any outside interference. Also be written in one of the guidelines is that the mosque is forbidden to build mosques in the begging attitude, attitude tomak and no debt. If you want to visit there is no need to spend any money or for free.

The mosque is very unique because a lot of ornaments and carvings typical of China, India and Java are engraved on the building in a mosque.

On the ninth floor we could see the beautiful scenery outside the mosque. Even if the weather is sunny scenery will be seen the highest mountain in the island of Java, namely Mount Semeru.

The interior of the mosque is also very beautiful.

Here are some photos when my family and I visited the mosque. Cekidot: D

Masjid Tiban / Masjid Mumbul Turen

Masjid Tiban atau Masjid Mumbul, demikian masyarakat mengenalnya. Sebuah masjid yang merupakan sebuah kompleks pondok pesantren Al Salafiyyah yang terletak di desa Sananrejo, kecamatan Turen kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Keindahan dan kemegahan masjid ini sudah terdengar hingga ke mana-mana. Maka tak heran jika banyak sekali pengunjung dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia yang berdatangan ke masjid ini. Meski ada kontroversi dan desas-desus tak sedap di sekitar masjid ini, namun tak mengurangi rasa takjub mereka yang berkunjung.

Masjid ini sering disebut sebagai Masjid Tiban dan masjid ‘mumbul' (terbang), dikarenakan anggapan masyarakat yang sekitar yang mengisukan bahwa masjid ini tiba-tiba ada. Wajar saja banyak masyarakat beranggapan demikian, karena letak masjid ini berada di tengah perkampungan penduduk dan gang kecil.

Berada di lahan seluas lima hektare, ponpes mulai dibangun pada 1987. Adapun ponpes ini secara resmi sebenarnya sudah ada sejak tahun 1978. Awalnya bangunan di kompleks ini hanya sebuah musala sempit. Namun, sekarang di kompleks itu sudah berdiri bangunan yang memiliki 10 lantai.Sampai saat ini pembangunan Masjid Tiban ini belum bisa dikatakan rampung. Namun hal yang menarik yang perlu Anda ketahui dibalik pembangunan kompleks masjid tiban ini adalah tentang tidak adanya perencanaan.

Hal ini dikarenakan karena pembangunan masjid yang meliputi bentuk bangunan dan segala ornamen yang ada didalamnya merupakan petunjuk dari sang Kholiq, malalui sholat istiqoroh yang dilakukan oleh Romo Kyai Ahmad di Masjid itu.

pendanaan juga dilakukan oleh para jamaah pondok tersebut tanpa adanya campur tangan pihak luar. Dituliskan pula dalam salah satu pedoman pembangunan masjid tersebut bahwa dalam membagun masjid tersebut dilarang adanya sikap meminta-minta, sikap tomak dan tidak hutang. Jika ingin berkunjung kesana tidak perlu untuk mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun atau gratis.

Masjid ini sangat unik karena banyak ornamen dan ukiran khas Cina, India dan Jawa yang terukir pada bangunan dalam masjid.

Pada lantai sembilan kita bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah di luar masjid. Bahkan jika cuaca sedang cerah akan terlihat pemandangan gunung tertinggi di pulau jawa, yakni gunung Semeru.

Di dalam masjid sendiri, interiornya juga sangat indah.

Berikut ini beberapa foto saat saya dan keluarga berkunjung ke masjid Mumbul. Cekidot :D

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sleeping beauty princess mountain > GUNUNG PUTRI TIDUR

This mountain is a mountain range that extends from north to south that begins from the top Panderman, and ends at the peak of Gunung Kawi, located west of the city poor, precisely the Batu city, Malang, East java, Indonesia. If we observe more clearly you'll probably find an incredible sight. at a particular position of town this unfortunate chain of mountains will look like a princess who fell asleep. so peaceful and exotic. related damage to the environment is bustling place, the peace offered by the appearance of this mountain might inspire us to keep our environment found on this mountain. It may be that if we continue doing evil to the nature around us, maybe the mountain that looks this peaceful asleep will wake up and demand our responsibility.

~Visiting Badut Temple~

The word 'Badut' in Indonesia means 'Clown'
Hearing the word Badut (clown)... that comes in our mind is the human figure using heavy makeup are cute and can make us shriek with laughter acted doings are adorable. When I moved to the city of Malang from my hometown, I see there is a path with the name of Jl. Candi Badut(Badut/clown temple) so I was curious how the shape and the location of the temple where the temple with a funny name is. Aahh ... after almost 6 years I lived in Malang I just found out that the temple was located in the middle of Malang city. And two weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit it.

Location Temple Clowns are in the midst of residential population, into a small alley, people would not think if in the hallway there is a very valuable heritage. Administratively, the temple is situated in the village clown Karang Besuki, Dau district, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This temple stands on a land area of ​​2808 m2. Surrounded by mountains Kawi (South), Arjuna mountain (west), Tengger Mountain (north) and Mount Semeru (East).

The word Badut said here comes from the Sanskrit meaning dyut Bha-star highlight Highlight Agastya or Canopus. It was seen on the main room of the temple which contains a pair of statues is not real in the form of Shiva and Parvati phallus and yoni, so this temple including Hindu temples. On the outer walls there are niches containing statues and Nadiswara Mahakal. In the north there is a statue of Durga niches Mahesasuramardhini. Eastern niches are statues of Ganesha. And adjacent to the South there is a statue of Shiva Agastya as Grand Master. But among all the statues were only statues of Durga Mahesasuramardhini were left.

According to information written on it once the temple is surrounded by a concrete wall now only remnants of its foundations. Andhesit stone, rectangle measuring 17.27 mx 14.04 m with a height of 8 m, facing West.

The temple is the oldest temple in East Java,Indonesia founded in 760. The temple was originally buried in the ground and covered by a large tree in the middle of rice fields. Discovered by EW Mauren Brechter in 1921. See from the photo at first discovered, it was pathetic. The temple is undergoing refurbishment and then 2 times, namely in the year 1925-1926 and 1990-1991.

The state of the temple is also very well maintained and very beautiful. Because of its location in the center of town, then it could be an alternative choice recreation of history that is very dear to miss. If you visit the city of Malang Indonesia, do not forget to make time to visit this temple to preserve this beautiful temple...wellcome ^^

Berkunjung ke Candi Badut

Mendengar kata badut...yang terlintas di pikiran kita adalah sosok manusia bermake up tebal yang lucu dan mampu membuat kita terpingkal pingkal dengan polah tingkahnya yang menggemaskan. Ketika saya pindah ke kota Malang, saya melihat ada sebuah jalan dengan nama Jl. Candi Badut maka saya begitu penasaran bagaimana bentuk dan di mana letak candi Badut. Aahh...setelah hampir 6 tahun saya tinggal di Malang saya baru tahu kalau Candi Badut ternyata berada di tengah kota Malang. Dan 2 minggu yang lalu saya berkesempatan mengunjunginya.

Lokasi Candi Badut berada di tengah-tengah perumahan penduduk, masuk ke gang kecil, orang pasti tidak mengira kalo di gang tersebut terdapat peninggalan sejarah yang sangat berharga. Secara administratif candi badut terletak di desa Karang Besuki, kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Candi ini berdiri diatas tanah seluas 2808 m2. Dikelilingi oleh gunung Kawi (Selatan), gunung Arjuna (barat), Gunung Tengger (utara) dan Gunung Semeru (Timur).

Kata Badut di sini berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta Bha-dyut yang berarti sorot Bintang Canopus atau Sorot Agastya. Hal itu terlihat pada ruangan induk candi yang berisi sebuah pasangan arca tidak nyata dari Siwa dan Parwati dalam bentuk lingga dan yoni sehingga cani ini termasuk candi Hindu. Pada bagian dinding luar terdapat relung-relung yang berisi arca Mahakal dan Nadiswara. Pada relung utara terdapat arca Durga Mahesasuramardhini. Relung timur terdapat arca Ganesha. Dan disebelah Selatan terdapat arca Agastya yakni Syiwa sebagai Mahaguru. Namun di antara semua arca itu hanya arca Durga Mahesasuramardhini saja yang tersisa.

Menurut keterangan yang tertulis di situ dulu candi ini dikelilingi oleh pagar temboki yang sekarang hanya tinggal sisa-sisa pondasinya. Terbuat dari batu andhesit, berdenah empat persegi yang berukuran 17,27 m x 14,04 m dengan tinggi 8 m, menghadap ke Barat.

Candi tersebut merupakan candi tertua di Jawa Timur, didirikan pada tahun 760 M. Awalnya candi tersebut tertimbun tanah dan ditumbuhi oleh pohon besar di tengah-tengah sawah. Ditemukan oleh EW Mauren Brechter pada tahun 1921. Melihat dari foto pada saat pertama kali ditemukan, sungguh mengenaskan sekali. kemudian candi tersebut mengalami pemugaran 2 kali, yaitu pada tahun 1925-1926 dan tahun 1990-1991.

Keadaan candi tersebut juga sangat terawat dan sangat asri. Karena lokasinya di tengah kota, maka bisa dijadikan alternatif pilihan tempat rekreasi sejarah yang sangat sayang untuk dilewatkan. Jika anda berkunjung ke kota Malang, jangan lupa sempatkan untuk mengunjungi candi Badut ini untuk melestarikan wisata sejarah kita ^^